Saturday, August 28, 2010

a few inconsequential anecdotes

story #1: i have a new pet.

heather, you would approve, as my new pet is a creepy crawly creature. i never thought i could like a bug. but i do. there is a spider who lives in my sink. (i forget, is a spider actually a "bug"? or are arachnids classified differently?) anywho, yes, a spider. he's a tiny little defenseless guy, so the first time i saw him, i figured i would be nice to him. i tried to avoid splashing him with water as i brushed my teeth. i imagine it would be terrifying for a spider to suddenly be swept away by a droplet of water that would carry it down the pipes and into the plumbing system. the next day, he was still there. why would a spider live in a sink? i seriously doubt he's gonna catch many bugs there. but he continues to make his home just under the rim of the sink. and there he remains. everyday i see him and try to avoid killing him. i named him alfred, because i have to name everything in my life. i hope alfred eats yucky bugs, and in return, i let him live in my sink and don't kill him.

the end.

story #2: m&m's are the best texas snack

so i got some m&m's at the grocery store the other day, as i am hopelessly addicted to chocolate. however, i forgot about that bag, and i left it in the car. in texas. in august. oh great. so i found it a few days later, and i was really bummed, because melted chocolate is really tricky to eat. but guess what??? what they say is true. m&m's don't melt in your hand. or in your car in texas in august. well, the chocolate does melt, but the candy shell keeps it all enclosed... so i had a lovely chocolate snack in my car without making a mess! i now keep a bag in my car at all times for those sudden chocolate cravings. thank, you m&m's for helping me fulfill my addiction to chocolate.

the end.

story #3: goodbye, dead cells

today i lopped off 5 inches of my hair. well, i didn't, but i paid someone at pro-cuts to. i've been thinking how scraggly my hair has been lately, so today impulse got the best of me, and i got it whacked. i think i like it.

the end.

story #4: life

i've decided that i'm thrilled to pieces about life right now. i love school. like really really love it. like i have no qualms whatsoever sitting in class all day long on tuesday and thursdays. and i'm excited about homework. i'm learning GREEK! i can't get over that. i love meeting new people from all over the world who have a heart for the Lord and for missions. i adore my job. i love what i do, i love the people i work with, i love the atmosphere of the uwc, and i love that it connects me to dbu still. i love living at home with my parentals. i like to think i'm kinda independent, but i also have no problem living with the rents and LOVING it.

the end.