Friday, February 25, 2011

mumbo jumbo


my name is inigo montoya.

just kidding.

it's actually carrie hamilton.

but sometimes i go by myrtle.

which is kind of like inigo montoya, except that it uses different letters. and fewer.

anywho. speaking of myself, i learned an interesting fact the other day in sunday school. apparently, there is a disorder listed in the dsm called narcissistic personality disorder. however, it has recently been removed since basically the whole usa has it. i was amused by this. oh, facebook... how you have transformed our world.

another interesting thought: have you ever considered the weirdness of how one of the key ingredients of cookies is an undeveloped chicken or two? i was thinking about cookies today (something i do often) and realized how bizarre that is. except it's kind of not really that bizarre, but it is. and i'm talking about the fact that a chicken goes into cookies is weird, not the fact that i think about cookies a lot. although maybe that's bizarre too.

ok, as a good american, i'm now going to go think about myself... and cookies. maybe even take some pictures of myself eating cookies, and then put them on facebook. yeah, that's a good idea.


on second thought, maybe i should get some sleep.
