Friday, May 28, 2010

Perhaps I have too much free time right now...

I have recently made a new purchase.
I love this new purchase.
It has more or less changed my perspective on life.
Well, not really, but for one to three minutes every morning and evening, it brings joy to my day.
Here it is:

It's a beaut, isn't it? The little grip thingy is super squishy and fun told hold.

The bristles are angled nicely to remove plaque, giving me an optimal cleaning experience. Also, notice there is a cushion of sorts under the bristles. This, my friends is the height of technology.

There is even a tongue scrubber on the back. WHOA... so much cleaning action packed into one little toothbrush. Don't know if I can handle it.

But all technological cleaning aside, you know what brings me the most joy? The yellow color. I have never before in my life bought a yellow toothbrush. I always go for blue or green or some variation thereof. So when I was purchasing my new toothbrush, I pushed this one aside, looking for a blue one. But then I thought... wait, maybe I'll branch out and give the yellow toothbrush a try. Pivotal moment of my life. Best decision I have ever made. And by ever I mean during those few minutes I was at the store. But really. Every time I grab my toothbrush, I am struck by the vibrant color. It's like I'm eating a slice of pineapple that is really skinny and has bristly blue and white things on top and some orange accents.

Amazing that something so simple can amuse me so much.
But that's the story of my life.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

DBU is the coolest.

Wait.. for this post, you first need to click here....

You need the right ambience.

Getting pumped up yet?


dun. dun. dun.

dun. dun. dun.

dun. dun. duuuuuuun.

I jam to this song a lot. Know why?

The bells in the Mahler at DBU play it.


The Rocky theme song. The Eye of the Tiger.

I often leave work, head to my car, and feel like I should be taking left and right jabs. Whirling with roundhouse kicks. Running up stairs. I love it. Thanks for pumping me up, DBU.

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight!
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival!
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night!
And he's watchin' us all in the eeeeeeeyyyyyyyeeeee!!!! of the tigerrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

Ok, maybe it's not really the Eye of the Tiger that they play, but some hymn sounds JUST like it. They also play How Much is that Doggie in the Window. But again, not really. But I like to pretend.

dun dun dun.
dun dun duuuuuuun!

Tiger out. Gonna go stalk some prey.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Incredibly Amusing Fact

Hahaha! LOL! Hehehe! Jajajajaja!

I have a new one to add to the list.



Yes, my friends, that's right. In the Thai language, the word five is pronounced "hah," which is just really funny to begin with. And as Thai is a tonal language, it has a high tone, so it's extra silly. Though they have a ridiculously confusing alphabet, Thais typically use arabic numerals. So instead of typing "hahaha," they type "555." Fivefivefive.


I find infinite amusement in this.


Ok, that's all.

Not really. Can we talk for a minute about how silly LOL is, too? It took me a while to catch on to that one. It's really hard to pronounce, so I didn't understand it for a good while. But now I have adapted. But it's still fun to pronounce "loll." Doesn't sound anything like a laugh!!!! Which makes me laugh even more! 5555555555555555555555!!!!!!

ILY also confuses me. I thought it was a nickname at first. Let me elucidate. So I worked with junior high kids for several years, and they would always post things like "Let's hang out, ily!" ily. Maybe short for Emily? But not everyone's name was Emily. So I though ily must be a universal nickname that girls used for each other? I was so confused. So I asked one of my girls one time. And got laughed at. "55555!" She said. No, ily simply stands for I love you. Who'd of thunk? Makes sense now.

I hope you are as amused as I am.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Holler Uncle

This is my favorite mug at work. I use it every time I have coffee or tea. It reads, "For my UNCLE... CHRISTMAS is a time for family and special thoughts of you." Christmas is for family and thoughts about your uncle. Who knew? I had no idea that uncles were such a key part of Christmas. Which leads me to one of my age-old questions: do you suppose Jesus was ever an uncle? It seems probable. But how crazy would that be: "Hey, Uncle Jesus!" Just a strange thought. But then that leads me to another question. Why is it that all the rest of my extended family members refer to my parents as "Uncle Dana" and "Aunt Judy," but I never refer to my aunts and uncles as "Aunt" or "Uncle." They are simply Glenda, Keith, Karen, Diane, etc. First name basis only. Then I wondered if anyone else is taken off guard for this. Why did my siblings and I get out of this requirement of addressing parental siblings with appropriate titles? Robin, do you ever call anyone "Aunt" or "Uncle" anything? But why would we? I don't call my mom "Mom Judy," or my brother "Brother Daniel." I call my sister "Seester," but never "Seester Robin." Silly. Perhaps I am doing everyone a disservice for not reminding them of their role in my life. Or perhaps I am honoring them by showing that they mean more to me than just a familial title. But then that brings me back to Christmas, and thoughts of my uncle. Perhaps uncles should be named accordingly, so I can adequately think special thoughts on Christmas. But why are uncles the only ones specifically remembered at Christmas? Is there a mug that reads, "For my COUSIN... THE FOURTH OF JULY is a time for family and special thoughts of you"? I want a special mug. And special thoughts. For I fear I shall never be an uncle. But perhaps that's selfish.

I have deep and abiding questions.


From this day forward, you may refer to me as Carrie Khan.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Mutant mosquitoes are on the loose this year. I have gotten four bites in the recent past. All have stayed itchy and red and swollen for about a week, and now I have a big bruise looking thing where they were.

To Do:
Buy bug spray
and a pet spider

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A few reasons why I love my job

Adam: I could not agree anymore… with your opponents.

Adam: Anyone want to write a take home final for me?

David: Twenty bucks a page.

Adam: I’ll give you five.

David: I’ll give you an F.

David: Adam also thinks that people should talk the way they write, which is completely asinine.

David: Goodbye forever, Adam.

Adam: If only that were true, David.

Adam: There are three things I do not know.

Adam: There are three things I do not understand.

Adam: There are three things I know.

Adam: If you have not listhped when sthaying the word “nemesthis,” you have not lived.

Me: How does popcorn work?

Adam: Magic.

Daniel: We hold our beliefs to be true, because they are.

Daniel's friend:Just remember, BAD MOOD spelled backwards is DOOM DAB, which is kind of funny.

Adam: I admire your efforts. You are very tenacious and auspicious.

Me: What does auspicious mean again?

Adam: I don’t know. I think… it means “lucky.” If you say it with enough confidence, no one questions you.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Reasons I do not like the new Facebook layout.

So the info section on Facebook has changed, and as you can tell by the title of the post, I am dissatisfied. Here are some reasons why I have such as deep hatred for the new format:

1) It takes away much of the opportunity for creativity of style. I am not a fan of the uncontrolled chaos of Myspace, but this is much to rigid. I try to deny the fact that I am a part of the incredibly individualistic generation that thinks everyone wants to know everything about my life, cuz I'm just that important and interesting, but I am indeed a product of this generation. So I relish in the detailed nonsense of social networking, and I want to express my individuality through the world of Facebook.

2) I used to have my non-favorite interests, movies, books, etc. included in my info as well. This was a part of my random style. So, when FB made the switch, it didn't carry over the "non-favorite" idea. So, my page said that I was interested in cockroaches and Jerry Springer and As I Lay Dying. Um, no.

3) The editing process does not run smoothly, so as of right now, despite three attempts to change the info, my profile STILL says that I am interested in cockroaches. Yuck!

4) Who is really going to click on the pages linked to interests?

5) Most of my interests are random or not common to pop-culture, so most of the icons are those yucky plain ones. Booooring.

The end.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Love this song.

Come, come fallen ones
Dance in the healing stream
He has faithfully kept you
Brought you out of captivity

Rejoice, rejoice with all your hearts
Sing Him a new song
That’s heard high on the windswept mountains
It will resound

Lead, Lord, with unfailing love
Those that You have ransomed
And we will sing out as we go on

-Bethany Dillon