Tuesday, June 16, 2009

mustard gas, dead weeds, and russian spies.

random adventure in my life today:
so i had just washed my hair and i was putting some mousse in it. as usual, my unruly mane and split ends were not cooperating. "fine. i will just hide you away with a headband," i said to my hair. my hair trembled with the thought of not being able to cramp my style anymore, but despite the pitiful pleas, i reached for the headband drawer. apparently everything had been stuffed in that cabinet a little too haphazardly last time, and when i opened it, hairbrushes, headbands, and hairspray came tumbling out. i surveyed the damage, and noticed a hissing sound. one of the cans of hairspray had apparently landed on end, jamming the nozzle into the can, thereby causing it to spray. nonstop. doesn't seem like that big of a deal, right? just set it in the sink or throw it away or something. but it was an almost full can, so it kept going. i tried to aim it into the sink, but the mist was going everywhere, filling my lungs with yucky hairsprayness. as the bathroom began to fill up with the poisonous mustard gas (that makes it sound more exciting), i began to frantically think of other options. i couldn't just throw it in the trash can, because then it would fill up the flimsy little trash bag with liquid (and that's no fun to clean up).  so i made a break for the outdoors, the wild blue yonder, the fresh air. i scampered through the living room, tripped over chuckie, and tried to cover the fire-spitting nozzle with my bare fingers (resulting in stickyness dripping all down my hand and arm. i mean fiery mustard gas, not stickyness.) my efforts led only to me breaking off the nozzle completely, causing the mustard gas to shoot straight up instead of sideways. i glowered at my hair. "this is all your fault," i proclaimed. "well, i might as well put it to use," i thought. so i flipped my hair upside down and tried further to put my hair in its place. so what now? i was standing outside, polluting the atmosphere with noxious fumes, and still filling my lungs with the gas. i was spraying it at the grass, and then realized that maybe the grass didn't look favorably upon being watered with mustard gas. so i decided to use the weapon for my own purposes. perhaps it would work as a weed or bug killer. i walked to the side of the house and began dousing the edge of the house. so there i was, walking back and forth along the side of my house, covering my nose with my t-shirt, spraying mustard gas on the weeds and ant piles. and then out walks my neighbor. he cocks his head a little, and asks, "umm, did you lose something?" "ummm, no, i, uh, dropped a can of hairspray?" i'm sure that clarified everything. and then i continued spraying for the next ten minutes or so. what a grand day. 
so now i have no hairspray, a neighbor who thinks i'm crazy, and hopefully no weeds. :) 

Sunday, April 26, 2009


i love this.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


my one loyal fan. 

thank you for reading my blog.

maybe i should let some other people know about my blog. then i might have more fans. 

does this post creep you out at all?

haha. love ya kahtay!

Cadbury Cream Easter Eggs

are the best. yummmm. 


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Love People Hate Distractions

Ok, so I absolutely love people. I love hearing their stories, their thoughts, and their personalities. People are cool.

However, the fact that I am so interested in people is driving me crazy right now.

I'm trying to write yet another paper, but my mumsy and daddy and friends are talking downstairs. I am trying my best to tune them out, but I want to be a part of the conversation, too! How can I be expected to work when there are people within a one mile radius from me, much less within earshot! Houmonumnymn. (That's a sigh, but it reminds me of the horses in Gulliver's Travels).

I need some earplugs.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Carrie Likes (in no particular order)

grassy fields
books, especially old ones
thumb twiddling
high fives
group hugs
mr. alligator
young life
the letter Q
sesame street
coffee shops
my green walls
old pictures
snail mail in general
cool boxes
cute old couples
tying people's shoes together
being pharaoh
fiji water
the dollar tree
water fights
long beach island
3X5 notecards
warm breezes
lightning and thunder
playing in the rain
chicken and dumplings
getting things accomplished
name tags
super mario brothers
piggy banks
being crafty
hot glue guns
running errands
ice cream
scotch tape
national trekking
phrases that only make sense to friends
pot roast

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My lips

have been chapped for about four months now.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Don't be so specific!

Ok, Carrie has decided that professors should let students write general survey papers rather than honing in on a specific aspect of the topic. Why? Because there are no broad papers already written, outside of Wikipedia! I am trying to write about 10,000 research papers right now, and they all have to have a specific topic. That's all well and good, but there are no general articles,  or really even books, that give me a broad synopsis to go off of. For example, I am looking for an article about nonverbal communication, but everything I find is way to specific for my needs. I am writing about Jesus's use of nonverbal communication in John 8:1-11, so I need an article to explain some basic nonverbal ideas. (I have long since given up on trying to find anything specific about Jesus and nonverbal communication. Every search engine I have tried comes up blank.) Anyways, I keep finding articles like, "Grammatical tense deficits in children with SLI and nonspecific language impairment: relationships with nonverbal IQ over time," or "Relations among linguistic and cognitive skills and spoken word recognition in adults with cochlear implants." Maybe I just need a lesson in how to research. But it's frustrating in the meantime. 

So someday, when I am a teacher, my students will have at least one broad research topic to write about. That way, future generations will be able to find a handful of general papers to glean info from.

The end.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

me no likey

Carrie is annoyed by lies. 

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Fruit Snack Conspiracy

I have recently had a devastating conspiracy come to my attention. The other day, I bought a box of fruit snacks. I was overjoyed as I ripped open the box to draw out the treasure... a bag of gummy goodness. I LOVE fruit snacks. They are so tasty, and probably have way too much sugar in them... I can never get enough of them. However, as I eat fruit snacks, I have a strange tendency to separate out the colors. I have to maintain an even balance of colors, and I always save the best one for last. You see, I am not a very big fan of the yellow snacks. Or the purple. and the orange ones aren't my favorite, either. I guess they are ok, otherwise I wouldn't like fruit snacks that much. But it is the red ones that I love. Like really LOVE. But, alas, much to my chagrin, my bag of fruit snack was full of 5 yellow gummies, 3 purples, and 2 oranges. The next bag proved just as disappointing. Yesterday, I finished my box of fruit snacks, and out of the 10 bags or so, I got to gobble down only about 6 or 7 red gummies. That's just depressing. 

So I took a poll of the general population, to see if I was alone in my love of red gummies. (And by the general population, I mean maybe like 3 of my friends.) They were in agreement... everyone LOVES red gummies. So where have all the red ones gone? There can be only one answer, my friend. 

We have a conspiracy on our hands. The factory workers at the fruit snack company have been hoarding (almost) all the red gummies. (They have to leave a few so as not to arouse suspicion. But they're not sneaky enough for THIS fruit snack fan...) And why would they do such a heinous thing? Well, it's obvious that these villainous workers are in league with some evil organization, bent on destroying the morale of Americans. They start young, shattering ideals of the American Dream among elementary students in cafeterias. With no red fruit snacks, how will these children ever grow to become all that they need to be for the future? Red snack contain flavanoids and birathionic acid that aids in the development of happiness in children. So now we are on the road to a bleak and depressing future, making our nation susceptible to this evil organization. And until now, we have been blind to it! Let's fight back! We want red gummies!!!!

Or maybe I just need to try a different brand of fruit snacks next time.