Tuesday, November 9, 2010


i have no time in my life. therefore i have not the time for a real blog entry. but i do have the need for a momentary break. not that i really ever write real blog entries. but someday...

my jeans stretch out a ridiculous amount after one wear. they fit when they come out of the dryer. and then they almost fall off three hours later.

my phone is weird. for some reason, it thinks i mean to type "28" when i really mean "at." i don't know why. i certainly use "at" more than i do the number 28. i think i must have used 28 once, and then it saved to my phone memory as the preferred word. so then another day i typed the word "what." and it came up as "wh28." really? really. also, every time i try to type the word "yay," my phone freaks out and won't recognize it. it thinks i mean way or wax or yaw. so i have to spell it out. and it NEVER SAVES. yet the number 28 did.

Monday, November 1, 2010


If you think that i can't spell...
check out this product of the United States education system.

Umm iquess lols bro i am skool didn want to go but i got to learn...lol
Omg bro i wannah fite hu so badbro but im not gon b chlidish
yu lidtomethe holdtmye im so glad tht ikan move on..umm.tht wasnt love..lolz..wantn for it to kum...umm

this from a tenth grader.
