Sunday, May 2, 2010

Reasons I do not like the new Facebook layout.

So the info section on Facebook has changed, and as you can tell by the title of the post, I am dissatisfied. Here are some reasons why I have such as deep hatred for the new format:

1) It takes away much of the opportunity for creativity of style. I am not a fan of the uncontrolled chaos of Myspace, but this is much to rigid. I try to deny the fact that I am a part of the incredibly individualistic generation that thinks everyone wants to know everything about my life, cuz I'm just that important and interesting, but I am indeed a product of this generation. So I relish in the detailed nonsense of social networking, and I want to express my individuality through the world of Facebook.

2) I used to have my non-favorite interests, movies, books, etc. included in my info as well. This was a part of my random style. So, when FB made the switch, it didn't carry over the "non-favorite" idea. So, my page said that I was interested in cockroaches and Jerry Springer and As I Lay Dying. Um, no.

3) The editing process does not run smoothly, so as of right now, despite three attempts to change the info, my profile STILL says that I am interested in cockroaches. Yuck!

4) Who is really going to click on the pages linked to interests?

5) Most of my interests are random or not common to pop-culture, so most of the icons are those yucky plain ones. Booooring.

The end.

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