Friday, May 28, 2010

Perhaps I have too much free time right now...

I have recently made a new purchase.
I love this new purchase.
It has more or less changed my perspective on life.
Well, not really, but for one to three minutes every morning and evening, it brings joy to my day.
Here it is:

It's a beaut, isn't it? The little grip thingy is super squishy and fun told hold.

The bristles are angled nicely to remove plaque, giving me an optimal cleaning experience. Also, notice there is a cushion of sorts under the bristles. This, my friends is the height of technology.

There is even a tongue scrubber on the back. WHOA... so much cleaning action packed into one little toothbrush. Don't know if I can handle it.

But all technological cleaning aside, you know what brings me the most joy? The yellow color. I have never before in my life bought a yellow toothbrush. I always go for blue or green or some variation thereof. So when I was purchasing my new toothbrush, I pushed this one aside, looking for a blue one. But then I thought... wait, maybe I'll branch out and give the yellow toothbrush a try. Pivotal moment of my life. Best decision I have ever made. And by ever I mean during those few minutes I was at the store. But really. Every time I grab my toothbrush, I am struck by the vibrant color. It's like I'm eating a slice of pineapple that is really skinny and has bristly blue and white things on top and some orange accents.

Amazing that something so simple can amuse me so much.
But that's the story of my life.

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